Summary of the Hazmat Protect 2022

On 14–15 September 2022, the 4th annual scientific conference Hazmat Protect 2022 on protection against CBRN agents was held at the State Institute of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection, v. v. i. in Kamenná, Czech Republic (SÚJCHBO, v. v. i., CZ). The conference was held in cooperation with the Military Faculty of Medicine of the University of Defence in Hradec Králové, CZ.

The conference was attended by more than 90 experts from research institutes, universities, the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, the Czech Armed Forces, the Emergency Medical Service, the Police of the Czech Republic and a number of other institutions and commercial companies. The conference presented 41 expert contributions – lectures and posters – from various areas related to the handling of highly hazardous chemical, biological or radioactive substances, the possibilities of protection against these substances and their decontamination. The conference was opened by the Director of SÚJCHBO, v. v. i. Ing. Tomáš Dropa, MBA and the Deputy Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic for Integrated Rescue System and Operational Management Col. Ing. Petr Ošlejšek, Ph.D. In their presentations, these speakers evaluated the current situation in the Czech Republic in terms of incidents involving hazardous substances or biological hazards. Both presentations included information on the readiness of both institutions to deal with these threats and their mutual cooperation.

The professional part of the conference was introduced by presentations by members of the Fire Rescue Service of the South Moravian Region about real interventions in an apartment with an illegal laboratory and an improvised explosive device and in a family house with an illegal storage of dangerous chemicals. This was followed the next day by a presentation on complications during an intervention with the presence of toxic substances in a hazardous waste disposal plant in the Liberec Region. Other presentations focused on new directions in the detection and identification of hazardous substances, including new possibilities for field detection of novichok or fentanyl derivatives, non-contact detection using Raman spectrometry and the use of the CBRNe IBEX robotic system for remote sensing, miniaturization of analytical instruments and/or the development of new explosives detection instruments. Several lectures were devoted to the testing of respirators and other protective equipment widely used during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the decontamination section, the experience of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic with various decontamination procedures against SARS-CoV-2 and new methods of decontamination using plasma were presented; participants had the opportunity to see a newly developed unit for decontamination of injured persons. Presentations on new approaches for monitoring radiation damage to the body also attracted interest. Some of the contributions concerned the properties of protective equipment and monitoring of its effect on the heat load of humans when working in contaminated environments. The conference was supported by 7 exhibitors who presented new analytical instruments, monitoring and control systems, decontamination means or protective equipment.

With its broad focus, the conference sought to arouse the participants’ interest in various areas related to hazardous CBRN agents and protection against them. Many experiences were exchanged during informal meetings and many potential collaborations were concluded. The conference highlighted the need for such meetings of experts as well as the necessity of cooperation in commissioning and solving CBRN protection projects, both domestically and internationally.

For the successful conference we should thank not only the main organizers – SÚJCHBO, v. v. i. Military Faculty of Medicine of University of Hradec Králové, CZ, but also the general partners Metrohm Czech Republic and Oritest, s. r. o. and other partners, especially all the speakers and poster authors for their interesting contributions. Sincere thanks to all participants for actively completing the two-day marathon, as well as to all the less visible ones who took care of the organization and background of the conference. The next edition of the conference is planned for autumn 2024.

Ing. Kamila Lunerová, Ph.D.

On behalf of Organization Committee of Hazmat Protect 2022


Programme of the conference can be downloaded here.

Book of Abstracts

Book of Abstracts can be downloaded here.


Selected fulltexts of Hazmat Protect 2022 contributions
Petr Alexa, Radim Uhlář Detekce výbušnin pomocí přenosného neutronového generátoru

Detection of explosives using a portable Neutron Generator

Aleš Dudáček, Peter Brtiš Overenie vplyvu teploty skladovania na funkčnosť detekčných trubičiek

Verification of the effect of storage temperature on the functionality of detection

Filip Duša, Jiří Šalplachta, Marie Horká, Kamila Lunerová, Kateřina Rosenbergová, Oldřich Kubíček Vývoj čipu pro separaci biologických agens pomocí IEF v rozbíhavém toku

Development of divergent-flow IEF chip for separation of biological agents

Martin Falk, Tomáš Vičar, Jaromír Gumulec, Iva Falková, Olga Kopečná, Eva Pagáčová, R. Kolář, Jiří Toufar, Elham Parsimehr, Lucie Dobešová, Ema Huščavová Nový software využívající umělé neuronové sítě pro automatickou kvantifikaci radiačního poškození DNA a triáž ozářených

New software based on artificial neural networks for automatic quantification of DNA radiation damage and victim triage

Barbora Kopečková, David Kopecký, Jan Pokorný, Kamila Lunerová Validita odhadu metabolické aktivity pomocí komerčně dostupných chytrých hodinek při nízké a vysoké zátěži

Validity of commercially available smartwatches when estimating energy expenditure during low and hight activity

Jiří Kroužek, Pavel Mašín, Radek Škarohlíd, Veronika Rippelová, Michal Dymák, Martin Urban Dekontaminace nebezpečného vnitřního ovzduší pomocí inovativní technologie PLASMICAT

Hazardous indoor air decontamination using innovative PLASMICAT technology

Pavel Kukleta, Jiří Sýkora 10 tun nevhodně skladovaných nebezpečných látek v rodinném domě v Nedvědici

10 tons of inapropriately stored dangerous substances in the family house in Nedvědice

Ladislava Navrátilová OPCW „Capacity-building and Training Programmes“ v režii České republiky

OPCW „Capacity-building and Training Programmes“ directed by the Czech Republic

Vladimír Obšel, Pavel Otřísal, Jan Buk, Alois Kuchař, Jiří Langer Možnosti využití nanomembrány z polymerních nanovláken dotovaných nanostříbrem k ochraně proti Covid-19

Possibile use of nanomembrane from polymeric nanofibers doped by nanosilver for protection against Covid-19

Vladimír Obšel, Pavel Otřísal, Klára Kalinová, Martin Vrňata Příprava chemirezistivních plynových senzorů s detekční vrstvou na bázi nanostrukturovaných oxidů kovů

Preparation of chemiresistive gas sensors based on nanostructured metal oxides

Vladimír Obšel, Pavel Otřísal Úprava zařízení Konduktotest pro zjišťování odolnosti bariérových materiálů vůči permeaci málo těkavých kyselin a zásad

Modification of the Konduktotest device for determining the resistance of barrier materials against permeation of low-volatile acids and bases

Pavel Otřísal, Vladimír Obšel Prostředky pro ochranu dýchacích orgánů RESMASK a RESFACE a jejich designová a výrobní realizace

Devices for breathing organs protection RESMASK and RESFACE and their design and production realization

Jan Pokorný, Barbora Kopečková, Jan Fišer, Michal Mašín, Kamila Lunerová Prediktor tepelného stresu pro odhad bezpečné doby zátěže v ochranných oděvech

Predictor of thermal stress for the safety time estimation of exposure in protective suits

Jiří Slabotinský, Jaromír Sobotka, Jakub Vaněk, Pavel Častulík Aplikace uhlíkové adsorpční textilie na záchyt nebezpečných látek

Application of carbon adsorption textiles for capture of hazardous substances

Jaromír Sobotka, Michal Mašín, Jiří Slabotinský, Vojtěch Grün, Pavel Častulík Porovnání fyziologických parametrů při pracovně-tepelné zátěži pomocí invazivního a neinvazivního měření

Physiological parameters comparison during occupational heat load using invasive and non-invasive measurements

Jiří Sýkora, Pavel Kukleta Zásah v bytě s výskytem nebezpečných látek

Intervention in an apartment with the presence of dangerous substances

Jozef Šesták, Zuzana Gogaľová, Vladislav Kahle, Kamila Lunerová Přenosný kapalinový chromatograf a jeho potenciál pro stanovení nebezpečných chemických látek

Portable liquid chromatograph and analyses of hazardous substances

Markéta Švedová Modelování disperze nebezpečných látek v interiéru pomocí COMSOL Multiphysics

Modelling the dispersion of hazardous substances in interior using COMSOL Multiphysics

Vladislava Talandová, Vladimír Podborský, Petr Zavadilík Mikrosyntézy a analytická data pro OCAD  2017 – 2019

Microsynthesis and analytical data for OCAD  2017 – 2019

Jiří Žeravík, Monika Hoskovcová Vliv biogenních iontů na formování enzym-inhibitorového komplexu u cholinesteráz

The impact of biogenic ions on creation of the cholinesterase´s enzyme-inhibitor complex

Vybrané posterové příspěvky z konference Hazmat Protect 2022
Aleš Kratochvíl, Michaela Kozlovská, Petr Otáhal Možnosti detekce a identifikace radionuklidů při terénním měření

Posibilities of detection and identification of radionuclides in field measurements

Michal Mašín, Kamila Lunerová, Jaromír Sobotka, Pavel Častulík Silné a slabé stránky různých systémů pro dálkový monitoring tepelné zátěže pracovníků v ochranných oděvech

Strengths and weaknesses of various systems for remote monitoring of the heat stress of workers in PPE

Jana Navrátilová, Michal Ješeta, Ales Pindur, Petr Šenk, Pavel Čupr Generování standardních směsí par chemických látek pro testování a kalibrace

Generation of standard chemical vapor mixtures for testing and calibrations

Jakub Vaněk, Jan Cupák, Jan Vojtěch Semenná plazma jako neinvazivní diagnostická matrice pro sledování expozice PFAS u hasičů

Generation of standard chemical vapor mixtures for testing and calibrations

Jan Kejzlar, Martin Vrňata a kol. Detekce toxických plynů oxidační povahy na chemirezistorech

Detection of toxic gases of oxidative character using chemirezistores


Photogallery of Hazmat Protect 2022